rq_0001 OFFER FOR MTBF REPORTS for electronics equipments and cards

Our document rqd585


We are please to offer to you: 

1) MTBF values predictions as per HDBK-MIL217F - "Part Count" mode - for one single electronic board, based on the AXU document rqd584 filled by the customer, at netto price of 340,00 euros 

2) MTBF prediction for multiple boards, working independently and separately: 

    - for 2 boards, total price 640,00 euros 

    - for 3 boards, total price 920,00 euros

    - for 4 boards, total price 1200,00 euros

    - for more boards, please ask a quotation.  

3) MTBF prediction for multiple boards, working all together (one report for each PCB, and one report for the total assembly) 

    - for 2 boards + assembly, total price 900,00 euros 

    - for 3 boards + assembly, total price 1180,00 euros

    - for 4 boards + assembly, total price 1480,00 euros

    - for more boards + assembly, please ask a quotation.  

4) Board modal analysis,  analysis of a pcb subject to vibrations and identification of most stressed areas. Please send a quoted topographlcal drawing or scketch (file .pdf or .dxf) and the net list (file .doc or .pdf) indicating anchorage areas and copper percentage, at netto price of 230,00 euros each. 


VAT Tax 22% will be added for Italian companies and for non-EC companies over these prices. 

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