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REPORTS MTBF for electronics equipments and cards |
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With the increasing and continuous development of technology, especially electronic ones, and with higher expectations by the end users, the equipment manufacturers have to face more frequently the reliability matters. More and more often, even at the regulatory level, the MTTF and MTTR values are required. The term "reliability" commonly indicates both the survival characteristic of a component or a system that the discipline that describes in mathematical terms. The reliability techniques should be applied in the design phase, allowing to detect, with good approximation in addition to any possible problems, the average lifetime of the final product. An expert company in the field of predictive reliability, provides you with the know-how gained in over 20 years of work and research in this specific field.
Generally for the "prediction MTBF" it prompted as per HDBK-MIL217F standard (N1 / 2); usually it is suggested to use the simplest calculation mode, the "Part Count", which presupposes on the part of the customer count of the number of components for each type of component (eg .: ceramic capacitors), using the BOM (Bill of Materials).
The MTBF calculation leads to the conclusion that the expected life is always very tied to the operating temperature. At high temperatures the expected life is significantly reduced. We observe that the MTBF value is directly correlated to the expected life.
The document to be completed and returned to AXU Srl, indicating also the reference of the working environment, will be sent on request, asking it at info@axu.it
------------------ Acronyms -------------------
MTBF = Mean Time Before Failure
MTTF = Mean Time To Failure
MTTR = Mean Time To repair
MTTFd - Mean Time To dangerous Failures
MCBF = Mean Cycles Before Failure = MTBF x cycles per hour
For further informations, please email a detailed inquiry to info@axu.it
-------------- How to proceed to get one report ----------------
1) Check if our offer is suitable for you (type of report, price, conditions), as per our offer rqd585
2) Please fill all information requested in the document rqd584 and send it to info@axu.it
3) Please make the payment for the amount selected, to AXU S.r.l. - Via Postumia 12 - I-20153 Milan - Italy - V.A.T. code IT13391110155 - BIC/SWIFT BCITITMM https://www.axu.it/en/contacts-address
4) As soon as we will see your payment in our e-banking, we will start our job that will be delivered in few days, as stated on our offer.
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INSTRUCTIONS TO OBTAIN MTBF REPORTS for electronics equipments and cards |
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1) Check if our offer is suitable for you (type of report, price, conditions), as per our document rqd585
2) Please fill all information requested in the document rqd584 and send it to info@axu.it
3) Please make the payment for the amount selected, to AXU S.r.l. - Via Postumia 12 - I-20153 Milan - Italy - V.A.T. code IT13391110155 - BIC/SWIFT BCITITMM http://www.axu.it/en/contacts-address
4) As soon as we will see your payment in our e-banking, we will start our job that will be delivered in few days, as stated on our offer.
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REPORTS MTBF - MTTFd per schede elettroniche |
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Il crescente e continuo sviluppo delle tecnologie, in particolare quelle elettroniche e soprattutto le maggiori aspettative da parte dell’utente finale, portano i costruttori di apparecchiature a dover affrontare il problema dell’affidabilità con sempre maggior frequenza. Sempre piu' spesso, anche a livello normativo, vengono richiesti i valori MTTF e MTTR, la cui somma da' l'MTBF. Con il termine AFFIDABILITA’ (Reliability in inglese), comunemente si indica sia la caratteristica di sopravvivenza di un componente o di un sistema che la disciplina che descrive in termini matematici gli stati limite dei sistemi e che valuta la distanza di tali stati dallo stato di esercizio dei sistemi stessi. Le tecniche di affidabilità dovrebbero essere applicate già in fase progettuale, permettendo di individuare, con ottima approssimazione, oltre ad eventuali problemi la possibile vita del prodotto finale. Un'azienda esperta nel settore dell’affidabilita' predittiva, mette a Vostra disposizione il know-how acquisito in oltre 15 anni di lavoro e ricerca.
Generalmente viene richiesto lo standard HDBK-MIL217F, di solito si suggerisce di usare la modalita' piu' semplice, la "part count", che presuppone da parte del Cliente il conteggio del numero di componenti per ciascuna tipologia di componente (es.: condensatori ceramici).
Il documento da completare e restituire ad AXU S.r.l., con l'indicazione dell'ambiente di riferimento, viene inviato a richiesta.
I calcoli MTTFd possono essere determinati direttamente per componenti elettrici o elettronici facendo parte sia di un numero di componenti o di un Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Per i componenti meccanici ed elettromeccanici (ad esempio i solenoidi), idraulici, e pneumatici che hanno un profilo operativo ciclico, e' piu' difficile fornire un valore MTTFd poiche' dipende dalla frequenza con cui il dispositivo viene utilizzato nel tempo.
Il calcolo MCBF e' interessante per quei componenti che sono soggetti ad un invecchiamento legato piu' al numero di cicli che al tempo, come ad esempio i rele' ed i contattori.
Si eseguono calcoli anche per componenti specifici - per esempio i connettori elettrici - e calcoli associati a prove pratiche di invecchiamento - per esempio le cinghie di trasmissione soggette alla luce solare con raggi UV.
------------------ Acronimi -------------------
MTBF = Mean Time Before Failure
MTTF = Mean Time To Failure
MTTFd - Mean Time To dangerous Failures
Durata media di funzionamento prima che capiti un guasto casuale potenzialmente pericoloso e non un guasto generico. Puo' essere riferita ad un singolo componente, oppure a un'apparecchiatura oppure al sistema completo.
MCBF = Mean Cycles Before Failure = MTBF x cicli per ora
----------- Prezzi dei servizi - Offerta rqd585 -------------------
1) Calcolo dei valori MTBF secondo le norme HDBK-MIL217F in modalità "Part Count" - per una singola scheda elettronica, basato sui valori indicati dal cliente sul documento AXU rqd584, al prezzo netto di 340,00 euro +IVA
2) Calcolo dei valori MTBF per schede multiple, utilizzate indipendemente e separatamente:
- per 2 schede, prezzo totale 640,00 euro +IVA
- per 3 schede, prezzo totale 920,00 euro +IVA
- per 4 schede, prezzo totale 1200,00 euro +IVA
- per più schede, chiedere una quotazione.
3) Calcolo dei valori MTBF per schede multiple, utilizzate insieme (un report per ogni PCB, ed un report per l'apparecchiatura completa)
- per 2 schede + complessivo, prezzo totale 900,00 euro +IVA
- per 3 schede + complessivo, prezzo totale 1180,00 euro +IVA
- per 4 schede + complessivo, prezzo totale 1480,00 euro +IVA
- per più schede + complessivo, chiedere una quotazione.
4) Calcolo dei valori MTBF in modalità diversa dalla "Part count": chiedere una quotazione.
-------------- Come procedere per ottenere un report ----------------
1) Verificare se la nostra offerta rqd585 è adeguata per le Vostre esigenze (tipo di report, prezzo, condizioni).
2) Compilare tutte le informazioni tecniche richieste nel documento rqd584 e inviarlo via email a info@axu.it
3) Inviare l'ordine formale via email, precisando quale report è richiesto, prezzo e dati fiscali completi dell'azienda, compreso il codice fiscale
4) Inviare il pagamento tramite bonifico ad AXU S.r.l. - Via Postumia 12 - I-20153 Milano - Partita IVA 13391110155 - https://www.axu.it/it/home-italiano/pagamenti-ad-axu-s-r-l
5) Appena vediamo che il bonifico è arrivato sulla nostra banca online, effettueremo i calcoli entro pochi giorni, come concordato, ed invieremo la fattura quietanziata.
Per altre informazioni, inviare un email con una richiesta dettagliata a info@axu.it
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OFFER FOR MTBF REPORTS for electronics equipments and cards |
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Our document rqd585
We are please to offer to you:
1) MTBF values predictions as per HDBK-MIL217F - "Part Count" mode - for one single electronic board, based on the AXU document rqd584 filled by the customer, at netto price of 340,00 euros
2) MTBF prediction for multiple boards, working independently and separately:
- for 2 boards, total price 640,00 euros
- for 3 boards, total price 920,00 euros
- for 4 boards, total price 1200,00 euros
- for more boards, please ask a quotation.
3) MTBF prediction for multiple boards, working all together (one report for each PCB, and one report for the total assembly)
- for 2 boards + assembly, total price 900,00 euros
- for 3 boards + assembly, total price 1180,00 euros
- for 4 boards + assembly, total price 1480,00 euros
- for more boards + assembly, please ask a quotation.
4) Board modal analysis, analysis of a pcb subject to vibrations and identification of most stressed areas. Please send a quoted topographlcal drawing or scketch (file .pdf or .dxf) and the net list (file .doc or .pdf) indicating anchorage areas and copper percentage, at netto price of 230,00 euros each.
VAT Tax 22% will be added for Italian companies and for non-EC companies over these prices.
To proceed, please follow instructions HERE
General sales conditions Document axc594
1) Sales are understood to be made subject to the following general conditions, even if not specifically agreed. The orders must be considered enforceable only after written acceptance by AXU Snc
2) Formally confirmed the order will be considered binding for the client, who will not be able to reduce or cancel it. The exception provided for in point 9 is an exception.
3) The prices indicated on the order confirmation are for goods delivered ex warehouse AXU Snc in Milan (Italy), excluding packaging and transport. Any different agreed conditions will be specifically indicated.
4) All accepted orders are considered subject to the "price variability" clause if specifically indicated on the order confirmation.
5) The delivery time starts from the completion of the order. It is understood to be out of stock with the delivery of the goods to the shipment.
6) The delivery time indicated by AXU Snc it must always be considered approximate.
7) The goods always travel at the risk and peril of the customer, even if sold carriage free. Therefore AXU Snc in no case and in any form will it recognize any claims for damages due to damage or loss of goods during transport.
8) The payment of the invoices must be made directly to AXU Snc account, which will not respond to payments made differently.
9) In the case of late payment, even partial, AXU Snc reserves the right to terminate the sale, without prejudice to the right to recover the amount due. In any case, the customer will have to pay, on the delayed payments, an interest, calculated over the entire delay period, on an annual basis of 5% more than the official discount rate applicable in the period.
10) The goods sold by AXU Snc it remains of its exclusive property until the customer has made the full payment of the relevant invoices.
11) The products sold by AXU Snc are guaranteed for a period of 365 days from the date of shipment or delivery, unless otherwise indicated on the invoice. The warranty covers defects in materials and / or construction.
12) Any defects must be reported promptly and in any case no later than three days from discovery.
13) The warranty intervention of AXU Snc it is limited to the replacement or repair, at its headquarters or in the appropriate place, of the parts recognized as faulty at its sole discretion.
14) The return of products deemed to be defective must be pre-notified and authorized by AXU Snc and performed by the client in paid shipping.
15) The warranty does not apply to cases of defects resulting from incorrect installation, negligence of use and / or maintenance, modifications and / or arbitrary tampering by the user, and in the event that the customer is not in compliance with the payments. In no case will claims for compensation of any kind or type be recognized.
16) The technical data of the tables contained in the catalogs and on the AXU Srl must be considered indicative and not contractual.
17) For any controversy the Court of Milan (Italy) is exclusively competent.
For anything not specifically indicated in these general sales conditions, the current Italian legislation on the subject is valid.