


rega_image001.gif Regatron AG (Switzerland)
TopCon, high-power programmable AC/DC power supplies and AC sources/grid simulators

Regatron power supplies and simulators for Italian market:

TopCon6HEundOszi_original.jpgregatron G5 4U 7U 10UTC.ACS moduleG5 7Ux6REGATRON Overview High current DC power supply smallREGATRON G5 High Current Models
A standard power supply with standard DC output, with standard automatic switch, complete with optional integrated HMI (pushbuttons, LCD display, digital potentiometer . All TopCon Quadro high-power power supplies are designed as modular 19" rack, in 6U or 9U height.

To test different MPPT control strategies we recommend to use TopCon Quadro PV module simulators. Your maximum power point tracker should be improved to run at highest efficiency. 

The Swiss company Regatron AG manufactures high-power programmable DC sources, used also as photovoltaic module simulator to simulate irradiance variations during inverter tests on test benches.

To test and to improve efficiency of solar inverter under specific conditions of irradiation, TopCon PV simulators offers a wide range of performances up to a very high power level, at DC voltages up to 1500 VDC.

The integrated PV simulator offers the possibility to program many parameters like short circuit current, open circuit voltage, maximum power point voltage and current characteristics.

Specialized software supplied as option helps to define photovoltaic patterns, as current-source or voltage-source or power-source.

The programmable power supply TC.LIN post-processors with MOSFET linear technology, output voltages up to 1500 VDC, output current up to 50 A are specially recommended for research & development in photovoltaic inverter field, to optimize efficiency and MPPT, also with multiple MPPTs.

All power supplies TopCon shall be delivered also with optional cabinets, switches, RFI filters, air or liquid cooling, interfaces, cables and other options.

Software options are interesting: SASControl for photovoltaic applications, BatSim and BatControl for energy storage fields, FuelCellSim to simulate fuel cells, CapSim for EDLD/supercapacitors, TopCon TFE for all applications, TopControl to manage all TopCon units, ACSControl and GridSim for TC.ACS grid simulators. 

Rugged versions of these programmable power supplies are available for many types of units, with improved characteristics for applications in heavy environmental conditions with vibrations, shocks and ambient pollution.

AC/AC programmable grid simulators - AC sources

grid simulator Regatron AC source TC ACS

















The grid simulators TC.ACS are fully regenerative - 4 quadrants - and they are available in the size 30 kVA and 50 kVA, with nominal input voltage between 400 and 480 VAC. Light and compact, due to multilevel inverter technology, this grid simulator is appreciated in laboratories for R&D of smart grids, PV inverter systems together with programmable power supplies and in all testing rooms. 

More units are parallelable, following instructions of the manufacturer Regatron, to get an output power of power of several hundreds kVA.


All programmable power supplies and AC sources Regatron TopCon can be customized as requested by customers, and should be supplied as complete cabinet fully tested at the Regatron factory.

There are the following documents (click on the link to view or download):bs

Documents on website of the manufacturer:

Few product information in Chinese

Website of Swiss manufacturer:

To request more information by e-mail, please write in English to: 

To get detailed information on high-power AC/DC programmable power supplies and AC/AC grid simulators in English language, and to download updated datasheets:


TopCon power supply - High power power supply - Programmable power supplies - High voltage power supply - AC/DC converters - Solar Array simulator - Solar emulation - Bench top simulator - Terrestrial inverter - High voltage power supply - Charging power supplies - TopCon GSS bidirectional power supplies - High-power programmable DC sources

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